Jeremia 29:11: ”Jag vet vilka tankar jag har för er, säger HERREN, nämligen fridens tankar och inte ofärdens för att ge er en framtid och ett hopp.”

tisdag 4 mars 2014

Profetiskt angående Ryssland

prophetic alert from 22 feb. 2014 Kim Clement
"But My fury is fulfilled, says the Lord, and I have now kindled a fire in Zion.  I have kindled a fire in Zion, in America, in nations throughout the earth, and My fist is about to smack down on Russia, for out of the rebellion of the Ukraine, which was seen by My prophet, shall come out of those ashes, beauty – shall come out of that sadness, joy – shall come out of those garments, praise, says the Lord."

prophetic alert 7 sept. 2013    Kim Clement
"Now we see that this is trying to grow again and trying to come back to where there’ll be this coldness between Russia and America and try to bring back an era.  I see it happening.  To me, it tells me that there will be another kind of Ronald Reagan that has to emerge; that has to be raised up so that this will take care of the tumor within the nations of the world.  It’s history repeating itself.  I’m telling you right now what is going to happen after Barack Obama – you’re going to see what is going to start transpiring."

From the matrix - 7 aug. 2013 Kim Clement
"Russia! My Spirit has moved away for a small season.  Your ambition has offended Me, says the Lord.  Your ambition and your taste for power has offended Me.  Therefore, I will teach you a lesson, says the Lord. "

1 kommentar:

  1. Nej satans finns ej!! upplevs dock av troende satanister troende judar troende muslimer och troende kristna och även icke troende människor i olika grad upplevelser sådana upplevelser!! upplevde själv sådant under många år!! frigjorde mig själv ifrån sådana upplevelser. de upplevelser av satan eller av änglar är bevisligen falska upplevelser/ skriver själv om en del sådant som jag kommit fram till genom att ha upplevt och frigjort mig från upplevelser på Bla min facebokk sida  
